

It's been a quick week, and our group is of to Mexico early Monday morning. The student center is coming along, and as soon as we get back we will paint the last room. Another cool thing is on Sunday mornings with the high schoolers I am reading Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. The discussion has been really good, and I am enjoying the book even more the second time around. Be praying for us, and the people we will be serving this week. One fun thing is on Saturday when we get back we will see the Braves at the Padres baseball game.

--Be Excellent to Each Other



A lot of times in life I think we get frustrated with how people can treat us, and just how rude people can be. I find working at the church that there are all kinds of people in this world. I also have thought recently that people are one of God's true gifts. Since one of the Elders at church has been in the hospital lately I have been thinking about this. When I finally think I have everything figured out God sends me some new relationship to remind me that in life we are constantly learning. When I need to have a good laugh or someone to joke with Malcolm is always there. Just like when my family needed my dad back to help with Heath God brought him back. It's amazing how God brings people in my life just when I needed them.

On a lighter note, coming soon to the blog is reviews of several movies I have seen in the last week and the top ten movies of all time.

--Be Excellent to Each Other